
Who is confused on what supplements to take? How do you know that you’re getting what you’ve paid for? Our family nurse practitioner, Jennifer Wenning, takes a stab at explaining the complexities of supplements. Supplements are becoming...

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The ins and outs of preparing for lab testing

At Balance Health, we take the time to listen to your story: history, symptoms, medications, supplements, and even chat about the latest Colorado sports team victory (fingers crossed for a winning Bronco season!!). Being healthcare practitioners...

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"I've tried everything to lose weight!" Here are 4 reasons why you may be struggling

    Since launching our weight loss program earlier this year, I've had countless conversations with people who want to lose weight and it just won't seem to budge regardless of...

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Subtract instead of add: get those extra chemicals out of your food

I recently listened to a lecture on food additives and although I was well aware of the fact that they shouldn't be in the foods we eat, I wasn't entirely sure of what they were or WHY they were so bad for us! Food additives are chemical...

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Sniff Sniff…Itch….Pass the Kleenex Please. (Sigh) It’s Allergy Season Once Again!

  Don’t worry, you’re not going crazy: Allergies really ARE becoming more and more common. It’s springtime in Northern Colorado. Mother nature is starting to show her colors: trees are budding,...

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What is my experience with NeurOptimal® training so far?

I have now completed 15 NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback sessions and am eager to do more! I have struggled with depression and anxiety for years. I’ve witnessed a lot of pain and trauma in my nursing career which has caused me to...

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NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback Available at Balance Health!

At Balance Health we are very excited to be able to offer NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback to our patients. As I sit here writing this piece, I am currently hooked up for a neurofeedback session! That’s...

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What is that burning in my chest and throat? Possibly GERD!

A very common symptom that we see walking through our doors at Balance Health is heartburn and gastroesophageal disease (GERD). Perhaps it occurs after eating a greasy cheeseburger or pizza, or drinking a cup of coffee—whatever the cause,...

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HELP! I feel like I'm starving and have 3 hours left of my fasting window!

Fasting is surprisingly natural for the human body. Do you think the humans 10,000 years ago ate every 2 hours? Absolutely not! The had to hunt and gather their food and it wasn’t always easy to come by. In the modern world, we no longer have...

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How fasting can help repair your gut

    Oh, you thought I was done talking about gut health?! NEVER! There is an aspect of gut health that I didn’t discuss much in the videos: fasting. Fasting simply means going without...

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Heal Your Gut-->Heal Your Body, Part 3: SIBO/SIFO Protocols

Many individuals will feel much better after removing the processed foods, sugars, toxins, etc. from their lives and may not need to pursue treatment of small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) or small intestine fungal overgrowth (SIFO)....

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