How much can I save?
The value that we provide at Balance Health cannot be matched in a traditional primary care office. Perhaps you could downsize your insurance plan because you will now be investing in quality, accessible healthcare at Balance Health. You could save thousands of dollars in the short- term by potentially avoiding urgent care or emergency room visits, time missed from work because of delayed appointments wasting time sitting in crowded waiting rooms. In the long term long-term you would save money by preventing and addressing chronic health conditions which we all know can be very expensive! Where else will you have access to trained medical providers, experienced personal trainers, small group fitness classes, and discounted medications all under the same roof? The value of Balance Health truly cannot be matched.
Can I sign up for a free consultation appointment?
Yes, you can schedule a consult visit with a provider
How is Balance Health different from a normal doctor's office?
When insurance is involved, your doctor is required to submit an itemized list of each, and every medical service provided it's how they get paid. By getting rid of the "middleman", AKA the insurance company, we can provide better care. Our doctors do not report to insurance companies, allowing them to treat you in the best way they see fit for your individual needs. Our healthcare is unique because we can look at you as a whole person and not be restricted. An insurance company will not pay a doctor for answering your texts, reminding you to exercise, offering you a cup of coffee when you arrive, or asking about your family; that's what makes us special!
Do you practice functional medicine?
We like to call our way of practicing medicine "integrative medicine"; we take the best from functional medicine and traditional medicine to provide the best care possible for our patients. We have pharmaceutical and nutraceutical options to treat most medical conditions. At Balance Health, we look to meet your needs and will do the research to give you the best options out there for YOU.
Can I join the gym and not be a patient of Balance Health?
Absolutely! We encourage you to stay or become physically active whether you are a patient at Balance Health or not! Take advantage of the free 1-month group fitness classes to start your wellness journey at our gym.
I heard about SOAR for my student athlete; is this still at Balance Health?
Kyle Taplin, M.S., CMES, CPT, FTS and Keith Carlisle, C.S.C.S designed SOAR (Scientifically Oriented Athletic Regimen) for training young athletes for success in the gym and on the field. This used to be housed at Balance Health but has moved to a new location. For more information, go to soarathlete.com.
Is SOAR the same as the Balance Health small group classes?
No, these are two different exercise and fitness programs. Balance Health small group classes focuses on adult fitness, whereas SOAR is designed to train student athletes.
What if I have a preexisting condition?
No problem! We will work with you to investigate why your condition started in the first place, investigate what you've done in the past, and investigate new methods of treatment so you can feel better. We may work with other providers who specialize in your condition.
What if I need to see a specialist?
The providers will refer to a specialist when they feel it is necessary.
Can I get annual labs?
We can perform lab draws in-house and send blood samples to Vibrant America. These are very extensive and give your provider a detailed look into your overall health.
We do annual labs and specialized testing (micronutrients, food sensitivity, gut health, cardiac genetic disposition, and many more). Labs are an additional cost; insurance will not pay for them but you can use your HSA account to cover the cost. Our annual labs run about $275-325 depending on age and risk factors. Although that price tag may seem expensive, we can guarantee that the in-depth look into cholesterol, vitamins, and hormone health often far exceeds what traditional insurance wants to cover AND we're able to detect subtle changes in lab values that could save you a lot of expense down the road with complicated chronic health conditions. If there is any other lab testing you need, the chances are we will do it here. If you want to use your insurance, we can send lab orders to your preferred phlebotomist.
We do annual labs and specialized testing (micronutrients, food sensitivity, gut health, cardiac genetic disposition, and many more). Labs are an additional cost; insurance will not pay for them but you can use your HSA account to cover the cost. Our annual labs run about $275-325 depending on age and risk factors. Although that price tag may seem expensive, we can guarantee that the in-depth look into cholesterol, vitamins, and hormone health often far exceeds what traditional insurance wants to cover AND we're able to detect subtle changes in lab values that could save you a lot of expense down the road with complicated chronic health conditions. If there is any other lab testing you need, the chances are we will do it here. If you want to use your insurance, we can send lab orders to your preferred phlebotomist.
Do your have an x-ray machine or other imaging options?
No, but we can refer you when needed. We have contracts with some companies to get you the lowest cash price available. These cash prices can be even lower than what you would typically pay with insurance. We do offer carotid IMT ultrasounds and heart echocardiograms once a month through Boone Heart Imaging for an additional cost.
Would you recommend supplemental insurance?
We do have patients who use a medical share option for supplemental insurance.
Can I use an HSA account?
Most HSA will allow you to pay for your membership with your HSA card. However, some require an itemized receipt and those ones we cannot help you with.
Does using a Direct Primary Care Clinic satisfy the current requirements for insurance under the Affordable Care Act?
Typically a direct primary care arrangement is paired with either:
- A high-deductible health plan, as DPC alone will not cover catastrophic health care such as most surgeries.
- A health savings account, or health reimbursement account as the associated tax-benefits can generally be applied to DPC and other medical expenses.
One of the lesser known provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act can be found in Section 1301 (and amendment Section 10104). This provision allows for direct primary care to compete with traditional health insurance options in the mandated Health insurance exchange when combined with a low cost high deductible plan.
- A high-deductible health plan, as DPC alone will not cover catastrophic health care such as most surgeries.
- A health savings account, or health reimbursement account as the associated tax-benefits can generally be applied to DPC and other medical expenses.
One of the lesser known provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act can be found in Section 1301 (and amendment Section 10104). This provision allows for direct primary care to compete with traditional health insurance options in the mandated Health insurance exchange when combined with a low cost high deductible plan.
Can I ask my employer to sign up the company for the Balance Health corporate membership?
Of course! If you feel like you and your coworkers would benefit from membership at Balance Health, then we are here to help you make that happen. You can share the Corporate Membership page with them or contact us and we can reach out to them ourselves! We want to support the health of small businesses in Greeley, CO and surrounding Northern Colorado communities.
I'm a small business owner, who can I talk to to learn more about signing up my business with Balance Health?
We would love to help you get your business and employees signed up with Balance Health. You are doing a great service to your employees by showing you care about their health and wellbeing. Contact us at 970-330-0333 and we will send you the required paperwork.
How can I start NeurOptimal(R) Dynamical Neurofeedback sessions?
NeurOptimal(R) Dynamical Neurofeedback is available in packages of 10 sessions to patients of Balance Health and non-members. Patients of Balance Health receive the additional perk of discounted packages. Call to learn more at 970-330-0333.
Do I have to pay every month even if I don't come in?
Yes, this is a subscription-based model, so you pay every month whether you are seen that month or not.
How can I share this information with a friend?
We would love for you to refer us to other businesses, your friends, and your families. They can give us a call at 970-330-0333 or visit our website at Balanceclinics.com